Sunday, May 6, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

I am heart-broken to tell you that the mandatory GMO labeling bill in CT was destroyed by Governor Malloy and his attorneys on Friday.

“Right to Know CT will no longer endorse or support HB 5117, An Act Concerning Genetically Engineered Foods. Rep. Richard Roy is our hero and we supported his bill by advocating for its passage through our grassroots campaign. But it no longer reflects his intent to mandate the labeling of GE foods and we feel compelled to register our discontent by withdrawing our support for the bill." Analiese Paik, co-founder Right to Know CT

“The constitutional argument is absurd, and everyone knows it.  As long as Connecticut law makers had a legitimate state interest that was reasonably related to the labeling of products produced from the process of genetic engineering, the GMO labeling bill would be considered constitutional by any court of law.” Tara Cook-Littman, co-founder Right to Know CT

My hope is that somewhere in this country, someday, there will be a politician with a backbone and integrity who will do the right thing for the people and secure a labeling law.  50 other countries have labeling laws now, why can't we?  We need to rally for and support California, where  a labeling law has enough signatures to be on the ballot in November.

CT had overwhelming  bi-partisan support from its legislators.  The bill had many co-sponsors.   If this bill had been called, it could have passed in its entirity.  It was well thought out and carefully reviewed by top legal counsel  from The Center For Food Safety,  Organic Consumers Association, and caring legislators. I want to personally thank Representative Bill Wadsworth and Representative Brian Becker for supporting it and also for participating in our talk at the Farmington Library a few weeks ago.  And thank you to Representative Richard Roy for trying so hard and caring about the people of CT!  This is a big blow to him as well.

 You have my word, we are not giving up on this issue.  I will dedicate my free time to teaching everyone I can about the dangers of eating food that has been engineered in a lab to produce its own pesticides or to resist massive amounts of Round Up and very soon,  2,4-D (contained in agent orange.)

For now we will all have to be careful to avoid processed foods that contain GMOs, by buying organic or non-gmo project verified.   Remember, corn, soy, canola, cottonseed, sugar (unless specified 100% cane sugar) and their derivatives, contain GMOs. Also, Hawaiian papaya, and some zucchini and crook neck squash may be genetically modified.  By purchasing organic milk, meat, eggs,  poultry and wild-caught fish you can avoid GMOs as well, (since "vegetarian-fed" simply means GM corn, soy, and alfalfa - fed.) For information on all the ingredients that come from corn, soy, and other GM foods, download a list from   We can still change things by voting with our wallets.  Also,please tell everyone you know.

 If nothing else, this defeat has strengthened my resolve to fight for the health of my family and my friends - especially our innocent children. Hopefully I will get most of my frustrations out on my new blog - THE DISCERNING DIETITIAN.  This letter will be my first post.  By getting involved with Right to Know CT,  I made new friends who share my passion, learned how blessed I am to have family and friends like all of you, and (unfortunately) learned way more about the democratic process than I ever knew.  Ignorance really can be bliss.

Thank you very much for all of your support, and for being part of the over 9000 citizens who took the time last week to sign petitions.

All my love,