Dear Family and Friends,
I haven’t written because I wanted it to be completely official – and today that happened. Governor Malloy signed the first GMO labeling bill in the country!
3 weeks ago, on June third, a much worked over bill passed through the Senate (unanimously) and then the House, (134-3) and we were informed that the Governor would sign it. Since then there have been two press conferences announcing passage of the bill: one with the Governor and one with US Senator Richard Blumenthal.
As it stands, the law will not be effective until 4 other states pass a similar law, one state must be bordering CT, and there must be an aggregate population of 20 million in the Northeast, which includes New England , NY , PA, and NJ. Because we have been working closely with other states, we know this will happen; most likely within the next 12-18 months.
Even more important however, is that our country is so much more informed than it was even last year! We have come so far in taking back our food!
Thank you very much for reading these emails, signing petitions, making phone calls, sharing information with others, and especially your kind words of encouragement and support! In early June, Governor Malloy and Speaker Sharkey received 44,000 calls over a 2-3 day period. They had to listen to their constituents, and they did! Every one of you had something to do with this victory. THANK YOU!!!
With love and gratitude,